Your Vision: What Are You Really Striving For?

I see the word “vision” being tossed around rather loosely in the entrepreneurial world. It can also be a bit of an elusive term. I see it as a vital factor in staying focused, as well as determining where you’re going and how you’re getting there. So let’s break it down! 

Your vision is personal and unique to you. It’s your dream, your mental picture about the future and long-term goals. Your vision is how you want your life to look. It’s a definition of how you measure success, and what you wish to create, to live a life you LOVE. 

Once you’ve gotten clear on your vision, you can create an action plan to grow your business and support your deepest desires. It acts as your compass and personal guidance, helping you stay on track and in alignment with your purpose.

Pause. Evaluate. What Are You Really Striving For? 

Sometimes we get so mired in the day-to-day, a new idea presents itself, a past idea fails or doesn’t go as planned, things change, we grow, and as a result of all of this we can lose sight of our vision. 

So the question becomes, what are you really striving for? 

It’s a natural part of our evolution for our vision to change. Each day you have new experiences and discover new things about yourself. At times, we find that we’ve simply taken on too much and need to let things go. All of these things can spark a shift in our trajectories. 

Which is why I find it so crucial to set specific checkpoints and time aside to evaluate, recalibrate where necessary, and focus on what you want to be striving towards and working on.  

Get Clear on YOUR Vision 

You may be wondering where to start in building your vision. Below are some questions you can ask yourself to begin finding clarity around this. 

I encourage you to take these questions and sit with a notebook somewhere quiet to reflect on them for yourself. Be brave and dream big - don’t hold back. And remember, you can have multiple dreams and yes, you can chase them both in tandem! 

Creating your vision will give you the criteria to build and implement goals and strategies to create a business that supports the life you deserve. 

Here we go! 

Journal Prompts for Getting Clear on Your Big Vision

  • How do you want to spend your time?

  • How much income do you need that gives you the life you most desire (monthly/yearly)?

  • Who are you spending your time with? 

  • How many days are you working? 

  • What activities are you participating in?

  • What does your home life look like? What are your desires?

  • How much time do you spend at work? Who supports the work you do?

  • Describe what an ideal day looks like from waking up to going to bed.

  • Describe what an ideal week or month looks like.

How to Achieve Your Vision 

When I share these questions and this exercise with my clients and Mastermind participants, I also help them to create a vision document that brings it to life even more. Together, we map out a clear, inspiring, and practical action plan to help them achieve their new, clarified vision. (If you’d like guidance with this, my one-year mastermind program is open NOW - learn more here.) 

The key to achieving your vision is to work towards it every day. Create more efficiencies in how you’re using your time and resources, and focus on the things that move the needle forward in your life and business. Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of small steps towards the big dream each and every day. 

I know small steps can feel discouraging for some. In a world where there are so many high performers, it can feel like it’s gotta be all or nothing. The classic example of this is when people say they’re going to make their health and fitness a priority but then it’s either working out five days a week or nothing at all. This is a mistake. 

Even if it’s baby steps towards the big dream, it’s still forward momentum, and with consistency, these actions will get us where we desire to go. It all adds up. 

The Power of Group Input 

In my Connect Mastermind, we go through the vision casting process in great depth and write it down in detail. We discuss ways to overcome roadblocks, obstacles, and barriers (both real and perceived) to achieving your vision. 

Together, we strategize how to work on your vision and give you guidance, resources, and map out realistic timelines. In the Mastermind, you have the opportunity to tap into the collective knowledge and energy of a group of like-minded individuals who are supporting you every step of the way and working to achieve their own unique visions as well. 

It’s a unique experience where you get the high-level strategies you need to hit these goals, and more, as well as make connections and thrive while doing so. 

As far as you’ve gotten towards achieving your vision today, imagine how far you can go with a committed team, standing by you. It’s the fast track to connecting your vision to reality.

“Loved this experience with you, Jodie! I learned so much, and you often had me catching repeated patterns so I could change them. I also loved the connections I made with the others in the group - Its so fun seeing them on social media as they meet (and exceed) the goals we talked about in the group!” Stacey Nachajski - Embrace Social U 

I believe in you. I believe you can build your dream business, have your dream life, and achieve everything you desire!  I’d love to hear what YOUR big vision is after you take some time reflecting on the questions above. 

I’d love to know...what are you really striving for? DM me on Instagram and let me know!

Jodie Gallant