Feeling Stuck? What To Do When You’re Feeling Lost in your Business

I keep hearing a lot of people say that they’re feeling a bit lost right now. With the change of seasons, a lot of us are reflecting, getting back into routines and taking some time to recalibrate. I sense a lot of people taking stock of what has happened so far this year, and simultaneously trying to cast their vision for the last few months of 2021. 

This year has been one filled with hope that was quickly followed by more uncertainty. As a result, many are unsure of what intentions to set for the rest of the year, as it seems more questions than answers loom on the horizon. 

Perhaps you’re feeling this way too. You’re looking at all the things you haven’t yet accomplished this year that you set out to and you’re feeling a little awash. Maybe you’re not sure of what direction you even want to go, or where to place your feet that will ensure you a little more solid, stable ground. You might even feel just plain old stuck. 

First of all, deep breaths and lots of grace. This has been a challenging and tumultuous time for many, and we need to start moving forward from a place of acceptance and understanding, not shaming, shoulding, and forcing ourselves.

Now some hope, keep in mind there are still three full months left to 2021! In my experience, fourth quarter is actually where most businesses see their biggest, fastest growth. 

Which means… it’s action time! And time to get you unstuck, moving in the right direction, and envisioning what you want next for your business and life. 

How to Move Forward 

Sometimes the reason we’re stuck is because we’re missing something we need to move forward. We often need another set of eyeballs on the situation, a new system in place, or to learn something we might be lacking knowledge in. Take a look at what is underneath the feeling of being frozen or stagnant, what can you witness about these emotions? What clues are there that show you the underlying cause of feeling this way? Once you’ve identified the cause, you can often get un-stuck with one of these three action steps: 

  1. Ask a Mentor 

Truth: No one knows your business and can see the vision for it like you do. Also truth: Sometimes you need someone else to shine a light on what you’re missing in your business that’s right in front of your eyes. 

A trusted mentor can be invaluable to helping you get out of a funk and unstuck. They can help you to see blind spots that you’re glossing right over, and help to remove any limiting beliefs standing between you and the path forward. I recommend keeping this advice-giving circle intimate and small. If they are intuitive and able to tap into that guidance, even better! They can come from a place of good intentions and support and give you reflection points to evaluate as you navigate the road ahead. 

2. Learn Something New

Sometimes we feel stuck simply because we have something else to learn that will help us to uplevel or implement something new that will propel us forward. 

What skills do you need to add to your current skill set? What knowledge do you need to gather and gain to achieve your next goal? What resources are you lacking that you can seek out to help you? 

This might come in the form of a book, a conversation you need to have, a course, a workshop, joining a Mastermind, or hiring a coach. Getting the understanding you need and accessing the right tools can move you further, faster. 

3. Employ New Systems and Strategies

This is one of my favorite things to talk about! We’ve all heard the phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” right? But when it comes to systems and the strategies you’re using to run your business, I am a strong proponent of fixing it long BEFORE it’s broken. Operating with systems and strategies that don’t work for you anymore, just because you think you should, or everyone else is doing it this way, or because you’re stubborn and set in your ways, or fill in the blank as to what the reason is for you_______… is the fast track to getting yourself stuck, burnt out, exhausted, and lacking passion for the work you do. 

Bad systems can turn what you love into something you dread and loathe. 

A classic example of this is trying to market your business the way that everyone says you “should”. If you’re following the rules of this system, simply because that’s what everyone else is doing, but it doesn’t feel authentic and aligned for YOU, you’re going to be pretty miserable while doing it. That energy ripples out to everything you do, interacting with your clients, and even your family. 

Broken systems, misaligned methods, and strategies that feel inauthentic are NOT worth the headache. Take a look at your systems and operations and ask yourself where you might need to upgrade, hire help, change things up entirely. 

Still Not Sure Where to Go? 

Looking at all three of these areas and bringing in the right tools and support can help you get much-needed direction, clarity, and a plan to move forward. But what if you still aren’t sure what to do? What if the last three months of the year are just staring back at you with the sun setting on Summer and wondering what on earth your desires are for the rest of the year (and the year ahead of this one!)?

This is where doing the work to dive deep into your vision comes into play. 

You’re invited to join me LIVE as I open up my VISION EVOLUTION assessment strategy to you on Tuesday, September 21st at 10am (ET). In this 45-minute FREE training, I will introduce you and guide you through the steps I take my 1:1 Coaching clients and CONNECT Mastermind members through when we first begin working together. 

This session will help you to get great results and is my September gift to you! You’ll walk away with clarity on your direction, a knowing of where to focus your attention to create action, and what you need to stop doing in order to grow, and a simple system to keep yourself on track. 

There’s no replay, so make sure to sign up HERE and lock it into your calendar for Tuesday, September 21st at 10am.

Jodie Gallant