Going Full Circle: How I Learned to Pull Back to Push Myself Forward

​​Lately I’ve been reflecting on sharing the journey of my business partnerships, and I can’t help but think about how far I’ve come and how much has changed since I was a young and scrappy newspaper ad sales rep back in 2002. 

I was a new wife, about to be a new mother, and full of ambition. I had goals…lofty ones, and I was willing to work myself silly both at my job and at home to achieve what I believed was success, and portray that success to others (even if it was often a false portrayal). Boy did I have a lot to learn.

The thing is, and what I realized many years later, is it wasn’t MY version of success. 

The good news is, young and scrappy Jodie helped me to build a beautiful, 10-year corporate marketing career in the cable industry and leave that career in 2012 to support my husband in taking over his family construction company and start my own “side hustle,” JMG Marketing.  My intention was to choose my family first, my health, and my future.  

Over the years, my entrepreneurship expanded as I built and partnered with some beautiful businesses and brands. At one point, I had ownership in five businesses with JMG Marketing being my own baby, my business pride and joy. 

Sure…that probably sounds like success to many and it has been in many ways. But, I’ll tell ya…being a business owner has been more challenging and personal than I ever anticipated. 

I’m so proud of the work I’ve done and continue to do. I love the challenge, grit, determination and passion of being an entrepreneur, but I especially love the lessons learned; lessons that brought me to actually pull back on my business partnerships. 

You see…what “young and scrappy Jodie” forgot to do was remind me to consider and honor MY own desires, MY own goals, MY own vision for what I want my life to be. I mean, just look at my intentions for leaving my corporate career (to support my husband - start my own side hustle - choose my family first) and it’s clear. My needs, desires, and even my own business were an “aside,” and I kinda took that with me throughout my business ownership / partnership journey. 

On paper, I was successful, but I wasn’t filled up; I wasn’t happy; and I was tired! So, I asked for help. I gave myself the gift of a life coach and later a business coach, who helped me to look inward, work on my own personal development, and take radical personal responsibility. 

It helped me to see the hard truth that my business ownership journey was fed to serve others’ desires and not my own. It was time for me to break my old patterns and make space for a new approach; a new Jodie. One who actively and consistently checks in with herself, asks her what she wants, what she needs, and what support she needs to get there. 

Through this process, I have discovered the multi-passionate woman I am and how best I can serve my desires; not others’. I love supporting small business owners and leaders with the marketing, strategies, and mindset they need to achieve their dreams. But, I also love being with my family, taking walks on the beach, sipping a great cocktail, reading a good book, and just straight up enjoying my life. I desire a life that brings me joy first…always. 

It’s these multi-passionate desires, along with the lessons and experiences of owning multiple businesses that have brought me to today. 

I withdrew my professional  partnerships,  even that with my husband’s business, so I could buckle down on my own personal mission of JMG Marketing & Business Strategy, coaching and WORK Lakes Region. 

Today, I am sitting here in my favorite spot on the porch of our happy seasonal campsite on the coast of Maine, a new Jodie. I can smile and say thank you to young and scrappy Jodie, but for now, she’ll have to sit down (well, the young Jodie can stick around - ha ha!), so this whole and happy Jodie can stand up. 

My ultimate goal is to help you do what I’ve worked so hard to do for myself. Craft a business that not only thrives, but resonates with your deepest aspirations, granting you the freedom to live life on your own terms without compromise.

Want to dive even deeper into my story? Here’s where it all began