Ep 27: Time Bending


Time bending. We can't alter the flow of time but according to physics, we can bend it. Yes, this one’s a little sciencey, but stick with it. We’ve all said it, “I don’t have enough time!” Surprise!  There’s actually PLENTY OF TIME! The thing is, time is only relative to how we spend it, so we must change our experience of time in order to maximize time itself.

Jodie, a recovering “I don't have time” person, is now trying to create space and time to speed or slow, based on her needs and it's becoming an art of practice in her life. In this quick episode, Jodie’s sharing her recent personal experience of how she was able to bend time and slow it down to maximize a short period of rejuvenation and reconnection. Join Jodie and get ready for a mindset shift.  Why let the happy moments in life fly by, when they can instead, take more of a casual stroll?

Jodie Gallant