Ep 15: Measure Up, Success Evaluation


How many of you can raise your hand today and proudly say – I AM SUCCESSFUL – just as I am today!

For those of you that can’t, can you tell me why? Have you ever like defined what success means to you and then created a measurement?

There was a time when Jodie never felt like she had a leg up. There was always something weighing her down, until she found a key exercise that offered her clarity on how she measured up. Still using this today in her life, with her family and more importantly with her clients, grab a journal, take notes and dive in to what you define as a success for YOU, and how you measure up.

As the leader of your life, the CEO of all things YOU-success has no compartmentalization - get a score on how do you measure Success?

Success means something different to everyone – this is personal! In today’s episode, Jodie shares the system, how she measures success and how using this system frequently brings about more ease, celebration, abundance and clarity on where her attention should go in building up her score.

This system keeps her moving into action that makes a difference.

Jodie Gallant