Ep 24: New Level New Approach
Out with the old and in with the new! Jodie has always been a stickler for core values, both for personal and for business. This year, Jodie found that a top personal core value of hers had kind of gone out the window. So, what did she do? She refocused her attention on it by using her “go to” ways she’d always used in the past. But, why the hell weren’t they working? And why weren’t new things working either? Ah! Drove her nuts!
Then one day…the “slap in the face” epiphany. If we allow ourselves awareness to our own best practices that work in other areas of life and apply them to other areas of our lives, we do know what to do, what we need and how to elevate.
This episode invites you think about:
What old ways do you keep going back to that aren’t getting you the results you want?
What are you really good at in your life and what is the system around doing it?
How can you apply that to this new thing you’re trying to accomplish?
Tune in to get the skinny on Jodie’s refocused attention, what she did about it, and how you can apply the same system in your life.